Morning folks, as a lot of you know we lost our coach this week. He was one hell of a man. A real man’s man; and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want anyone sad or crying for him, but he would want us to just keep fishing and go on with life. He was a very wise feller with lots of life experience; I sure wish we all had someone of that era to ask advice from. These were the people from a time of true grit. If you have someone from this era in your life you need to talk to them and ask their advise on things. Get all the knowledge you can from them cause when they‘re gone their knowledge is gone too. Coach Jarvis, you will be missed! I promise to keep your bait coolers clean and filled.
Now on to the fishing report. The weather has gotten a lot colder, but the fish are still biting. Two days ago I was at ramp 43 the fish biting were black drum, speckled trout, puffers, sea mullet, and puppy drum. We caught all these fish with fresh mullet and fish bites shrimp flavor pink and green. The best bite has been on an out going tide.
That’s all I’ve got today. A wise man once told me, “you gotta make time to fish,” and that was some of the best advice I ever got.