Morning folks it’s a beautiful day out there . I hope you’re out at the beach fishing . Today I’ve heard about sea mullet, puppy drum, and black drum . With the occasional shark in there. I’ve also heard a lot about fish being caught on plastic . So that’s always an option. Have a … See More “Beautiful Day On The Cape”
To Kiss A Fish
Fishing Report Surf: Red Drum, Sea Mullet, Sharks, Skates photo credit to epic shutter Weather Today 66° F HIGH / 59 ° F LOW WIND: 8 mph HUMIDITY: 72% WATER TEMP: 49.8° F LOW TIDES: 11:53 AM / 11:17 PM HIGH TIDES: 5:17 AM / 5:29 PM
A Tribute To Coach
Morning folks, as a lot of you know we lost our coach this week. He was one hell of a man. A real man’s man; and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want anyone sad or crying for him, but he would want us to just keep fishing and go on with life. He was a … See More “A Tribute To Coach”